以智能机器人为代表的智能生产似乎只有一步之遥。晚上八点半的汉诺威,依然明亮如昼。怒放的满树樱花在湛蓝夜空的映衬之下,于微凉的夜风中轻轻抖动,明艳又安静地目送着每日离开的人们。这座位于德国北部的小城因展会而闻名世界,继今年3月的CeBIT电子展之后,4月这里又迎来了Hannover Messe(汉诺威工业博览会,以下简称工业展)。创始于1947年的Hannover Messe是世界上最领先的工业技术展,净展出面积达40万
Intelligent production represented by smart robots seems to be only one step away. Hanover at 8:30 in the evening is still bright. The full bloom of the tree cherry blossoms under the blue sky, shaking gently in the cool night wind, vividly and quietly watching the people leaving every day. This small town in northern Germany is known throughout the world for exhibitions. Following the CeBIT Electronics Show in March this year, Hannover Messe (Hannover Industrial Fair, hereinafter referred to as the Industrial Fair) was welcomed here in April. Founded in 1947, Hannover Messe is the world’s leading industrial technology exhibition with a net exhibition area of 400,000.