汉乐府民歌《陌上桑》的主人公是秦罗敷。此女子的身分问题,是诗作者为读者留下的一个疑惑。根据作品第一段的交代,我们知道罗敷是个采桑女;但作品同时又告诉我们,她的衣着华贵无比。她是采桑女,但是否意味着她一定就是一个处于生活底层的劳动妇女?她衣着华贵,但是否就可以据此断定她一定是一个贵族妇女或富家小姐?问题似乎简单,又似乎颇为复杂。 过去,一些影响较大的文学史教材和文
Han Yuefu folk song “mulberry mulberry” hero is Qin Luo apply. This woman’s identity problem is a poet’s left a doubt for the reader. According to the account of the first paragraph of the work, we know that Luo Fu is a mulberry woman; but at the same time, the work tells us that her clothing is very luxurious. She is a mulberry woman, but does that mean she must have been a working woman at the bottom of her life? She is so dressed, but can she conclude that she must be a noblewoman or a wealthy lady? The question seems simple and seems to be quite complex. In the past, some of the more influential literary history textbooks and texts