工程照片是工程实体的形象写照,也是企业档案管理的重要内容。过去,我公司对工程照片的管理并未引起足够的重视,近两年,开始把它纳入档案管理,取得了显著成效。我公司编纂的《全优工程、优质产品、优秀设计、科研成果简介》图片集,不仅为企业进行传统、理想、事业教育提供了教材,而且在公司承揽工程、参加投标活动中,为企业“提高信誉、创造效益”发挥了积极的作用,荣获河北省1995年第3届档案开发利用优秀服务成果三等奖。我们的做法: 一、重视工程照片的收集,
Engineering photo is a portrayal of engineering entities, but also an important part of enterprise file management. In the past, our company did not pay enough attention to the management of engineering photographs. In the past two years, we started to incorporate it into the management of archives and achieved remarkable results. Our company compiles the picture series of “All-good Project, High-quality Products, Excellent Design and Scientific Research Achievements”, which not only provides teaching materials for enterprises to carry out traditional, ideal and career education, but also provides teaching materials for companies to contract projects and participate in bidding activities, Improve credibility and create benefits "played a positive role, won the Hebei Province in 1995 the third file development and utilization of outstanding service achievement prize three. Our approach: First, pay attention to the collection of engineering photographs,