【摘 要】
Which Is Neraer To Us? ★荣 荣 Teacher: Which is nearer to us, Germany or the moon? Tom: The moon, sir. Teacher: The moon?Why do you think so? Tom: Because we can see the moon, but we can’t see
Which Is Neraer To Us?
★荣 荣
Teacher: Which is nearer to us, Germany or the moon?
Tom: The moon, sir.
Teacher: The moon?Why
do you think so?
Tom: Because we can
see the moon, but we can’t
see Germany.
He Didn't Help Me
★小 兰
Teacher: Did Jimmy
Green help you do this homework?
Tom: No.
Teacher: Are you sure he didn’t help you?
Tom: No, he didn’t
help me. He did it all.
秋叶纷飞的港口小镇,一只孤独的企鹅(penguin)彷徨在空荡荡的街道上。它饥肠辘辘,无所依靠,漫无目的地来到了一个小男孩的家中。企鹅似乎对男孩的收音机颇感兴趣,男孩则有些不知所措,只得把它送到失物招领处,然而根本没人丢失过企鹅。 小企鹅成为男孩的累赘(zhui),几番周折,男孩决定前往南极。于是,他制作了小木船,和小企鹅踏上了前往南极的归乡旅途…… 知识链接 本片根据名家奥利弗
全世界瞩目的2008北京奥运会已经落下了帷幕,这其中一个个难忘的镜头、一幕幕感人的场景、一场场扣人心弦的比赛令我们记忆犹新,心潮澎湃…… 回想起奥运圣火在古城南京传递的热烈场面,我们至今还历历在目,难以忘怀。南京市翠屏山小学方佳丽同学在《奥运圣火来南京了》这篇作文中用笔记录下了这一段珍贵的历史画面,我们一起来阅读其中的片断: 2008年5月27日。南京人民终于迎来了奥运圣火在南京传递的神圣时刻
我是一个马虎的小孩,每次马虎的事情过后自己都会觉得奇怪和好笑。比如说:写句子没句号啦,作业中有题目没做啦,把加号看成减号啦……多得说也说不完。有一件事,真令我难忘。 好多次读书、看报,我都看到了“佚名”这个人写的好多文章,就觉得这个人非常了不起,他写的文章有儿童爱看的,有大人爱看的;有作文,有武打小说等等。我心中暗想:我什么时候能像他那样,会写各种文章就好了。今天,我又连续读了两篇文章,作者都是
do和does被评为单词界的“活雷锋”!颁奖词是:“因为他俩用作助动词时,本身并没有实在的意义,但却热心地帮助实义动词构成一般疑问句和否定句。”的确如此,你瞧: He has an English book——Does he havean English book? (一般疑问句) Mary plays football every afternoon.——Mary doesn't p
There are two main charac- ters, Arrester Xing and the Olympic Volunteer.
挑战1 ——标点符号信 法国著名作家雨果完成了《悲惨世界》的手稿后,将其寄给了出版社,好久不闻讯息。于是,他给出版社写了一封信,内容只有一个标点符号“?”。出版社很快回了信,内容也只有一个标点符号“!”。 你知道雨果和出版社的信各表达了什么意思吗? 挑战2——数字信 某人嗜酒如命,醉后常与人吵架斗殴。一日,他接到了外甥的一封来信,拆开一看,信上竟全是阿拉伯数字: 99:817
My friends, These days we watch TV every day. We know the Sichuan earth- quake has. destroyed many children's homes and schools. During the disaster, you lost your family members, your classmates an
1 上课! Class begins. 2 同学们,早上/下午好。 Good morning/afternoon,class. 3 请坐。 Sit down,please.
Hi,everybody. I'm Bian Junrong. I have a lot of friends. My best friend is Zou Mengyue. She is a lovely girl. She has a round face and two big eyes. Her hair is short.
It was a sunny day. A clam came out to rest in the sun. A snipe saw him and pecked(1) at the clam’s flesh(2).The clam closed his shell(3)and squeezed(4) the snipe’s beak(5). “If it does not rain toda