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《警察日记》简介:导演:宁瀛/编剧:宁岱/主演:王景春等/上映日期:2014-03-21鄂尔多斯东胜区公安局局长郝万忠在十余年的从警生涯中,留下了六十八本工作日记。从他做刑警接触的第一桩重大命案——至今未破的悬案,到临终前的全局工作计划,详细记载了他每天的工作安排、案情分析、人生感悟以及对那桩悬案的多次重新梳理和研究。正是这些平凡的点点滴滴让我们看到了一名基层公安局长的艰辛、不舍和追求,还有一名标准警察所具有的职业基因。主演王景春获第26届东京国际电影节最佳男演员奖。 “Police Diary” Introduction: Director: Ning Ying / Screenwriter: Ning Dai / Starring: Wang Jingchun / Release Date: 2014-03-21 Ordos Dongsheng District Public Security Bureau Hao Wanzhong police career in more than 10 years, left Sixty-eight working diary. Interpol from him to do the first major murder hit - so far unbroken pending case, to the dying of the overall work plan, detailing his daily work arrangements, the merits analysis, life perception and the suspension of multiple re- Comb and research. It is these ordinary dribs and drabs that allow us to see the hardship, dismay and pursuit of a grassroots police chief and a career gene owned by a standard police officer. Starring Wang Jingchun won the 26th Tokyo International Film Festival Award for Best Actor.
张博给人的感觉永远宠辱不惊。他是暖的,不温不火,不急不躁;他又是痞的,一念清净,烈焰成池。  当“暖男”迅速贬值为骂街脏话,“暖痞”渐渐浮出视野。相比暖男,暖痞褪去了伪善和“杰克苏”式的意淫幻想。从气质上来说,张博本身就有暖痞的潜质,略带忧郁的刚劲气息让他天然具有一股潇洒不羁的气质,如果说男人的痞性是一种对秩序的反叛,那么这种来自于生命深处的不羁就是最具个性的痞,它远远超过街头小流氓的打架斗狠而上