No treatment of anterior choroidal arteriovenous malformations has been reported in the literature. The authors report 4 cases of anterior choroidal arteriovenous malformations of the clinical manifestations and surgical treatment. The typical symptoms of an anterior choroidal arteriovenous malformations are lesions that damage the contralateral paresthesia and hemiparesis of the hindlimbs and brain feet of the inner capsule and affect the same-hemianopia as visual radiation. Subarachnoid hemorrhage in this group, and cause three partial symptoms. Show arteriovenous hemorrhage produce hematoma and vascular infarction damage to the internal capsule. Located in the temporal horn of the lateral ventricle chordate arteriovenous malformations, only the performance of subarachnoid hemorrhage symptoms. The main diagnosis with cerebral angiography, can see the feeding artery,