1 病例报告 患者,女,36岁。因左侧卵巢囊肿于1994年3月22日入院。无任何不适,未查血脂及血粘稠度。查体:BP:16/12kPa,P:80/min,T36.2℃,心肺(-),双下肢浮肿(-),无静脉曲张,尿糖(-)。既往史:健康。于1994年3月24日行硬膜外麻醉下左侧附件切除术。术中见左卵巢颜色正常,内为淡黄色液体,与周围组织无粘连。无腹水,无蒂扭转。手术麻醉无异常,术中病人无异常反应。术后静点青霉素,甲硝唑预防
1 case report patients, female, 36 years old. Due to the left ovarian cyst in March 22, 1994 admission. Without any discomfort, not check blood lipids and blood viscosity. Examination: BP: 16 / 12kPa, P: 80 / min, T36.2 ℃, cardiopulmonary (-), both lower extremity edema (-), no varicose veins, urine sugar (-). Past history: health. On March 24, 1994 under epidural anesthesia left accessory resection. Intraoperative see the normal color of the left ovary, within the pale yellow liquid, no adhesions with the surrounding tissue. No ascites, no pedicle torsion. No abnormal anesthesia, intraoperative patients no abnormal reaction. Postoperative point penicillin, metronidazole prevention