物联网是时下非常热门的一个名词,它的发展正在全方位地提升着我们的生活品质。如今,使用物联网设计理念的高科技产品越来越多,例如Wi-Fi智能插座就是一个典范。现在就让3位米饭为大伙儿带来3款如此神奇的新鲜玩意儿:博联(Broadlink)SP2、欧瑞博(ORVIBO)S20、贝尔金(Belkin)WeMo Switch+Motion,通过它们可以远程控制家中的电器哟,很酷吧!
Internet of Things is a very popular term now, its development is improving our overall quality of life. Today, more and more high-tech products using the Internet of Things design concept, such as Wi-Fi smart socket is a model. Now let 3 rice bring 3 such wonderful new things to everyone: Broadlink SP2, ORVIBO S20, Belkin WeMo Switch + Motion, which can remotely control the home appliance Yo, cool!