法莫替丁为第三代H_2受体阻滞剂,是近年来应用临床的新型抗溃疡药物。近来国内有其不良反应的文献报道,现综述如下。 1 过敏反应 王承觉,张德中报道5例口服法莫替丁引起过敏反应,表现为全身瘙痒,伴发热。多发生在服药后3d~7d,停药后自行消失。有的患者用药后3d出现反应,夜间瘙痒明显,停药后消失,有的2次用药,全身瘙痒再次复发,停药后好转。
Famotidine is the third generation H 2 receptor blocker, which is a new clinical anti-ulcer drug applied in recent years. Recent domestic reports of adverse reactions, are summarized below. An allergic reaction Wang Chengjue, Zhang Dezhong reported 5 cases of oral famotidine cause allergic reactions, manifested as systemic itching, with fever. Occurred in the medication 3d ~ 7d, disappear after stopping. Some patients respond to drugs after 3d, night itching was obvious, disappeared after stopping, and some 2 times the medication, systemic itching relapse again, after stopping the improvement.