Patient female, 47 years old, had pain due to the right upper quadrant and radiating pain to the right back for 1 day. Pain was persistent, past history of chronic cholecystitis. Blood, liver function and hepatitis B five indicators were normal. B ultrasound showed: chronic cholecystitis. That is given anti-infection (penicillin 8 million U and vanilline 250ml intravenous infusion) and symptomatic treatment, the pain diminished. After 3 days, the right scapular area, axillary, chest wall clustered soybean blisters, pain was obvious. Combined with clinical manifestations and histopathological examination diagnosed as shingles. Namely given intravenous ribavirin, vitamin B_1, B_ (12), polymyosine injection, topical acyclovir herpes ointment, and give Longdanxiegan Tang Banlan root, double flower, Angelica, Yuan Hu treatment for 8 days, Patients appear eye drop, the same side without sweat. Physical examination: conscious mind, right fissure small, ptosis, normal intraocular pressure, fundus without edema, ocular blood