同志们,朋友们: 今天,大家从各地、各部门的地质调查、科学研究和教学一线聚集在这里,共同回顾20多年来地层工作和地层学研究的进展,研究制订21世纪前15年全国地层工作和地层学发展规划,这对于推动地层学的发展,做好我国地层工作和整个地质工作都有重要的意义。我向第三届全国地层会议的召开表示热烈的祝贺,向参加会议的全体代表致以诚挚的问候。
Comrades and friends: Today, we gather here from the geological survey, scientific research and teaching of all localities and departments. We are here to review the progress of stratigraphy and stratigraphy research over the past 20 years and to study and formulate the national stratigraphy of the first 15 years of the 21st century Work and stratigraphy development planning, which is to promote the development of stratigraphy, stratigraphy work and the entire geological work of great significance. I extend my warm congratulation to the convening of the 3rd National Stratum Conference and extend my sincere greetings to all the representatives participating in the conference.