克隆茅于轼 我有一个梦想——克隆茅于轼。 这里的茅于轼并不就是茅于轼先生,而是先生所体现的智慧、慈悲、平民化精神。在茅于轼先生那里,智慧是经天纬地的理性,慈悲是悲天悯人的激情。智慧包含了理性,慈悲包含了激情。但智慧并不仅仅是理性,慈悲也不仅仅是激情。 有理性并不难,难的是回归慈悲。脱离了慈悲,理性是袭击平民的生化武
Cloning Mao Yu Shih I have a dream - Cloning Mao Shi. Mao Yushi here is not that of Mao Yushi, but the wisdom, compassion, and common people embodied by the gentleman. In Mao Yushi, wisdom is the rationality of latitude and longitude, and compassion is the compassion of compassion. Wisdom contains reason, compassion contains passion. But wisdom is not just reason, compassion, nor just passion. Rationality is not difficult, the difficulty is to return to compassion. Out of compassion, rationality is a chemical and biological weapon that attacks civilians