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如果不读作品,我真的感受不到辽西这片贫瘠的土地、苦难的土地、文化积淀深远厚重且现实发展还很脆弱单薄的土地,一旦与诗人的心灵接壤,会迸发出多少璀璨的生命之光。辽西有山,山并不高;辽西有水,水难丰盈;即使泥土,也会在春天的风沙与夏季的旱情里极不甘心地翻飞漂泊……物质生存条件的竭蹶反倒让诗人们的精神需求更为渴望,心灵空间的主观创造情绪恣意生长,语言呈现的世界独特而富有韵味。生于斯长于斯的诗人们所构建的地域版图并非是物理般的照相式投射,他们的笔触也绝不会单纯停留在山川景物人文习俗的表象层次,因为那不是诗。诗的表达,即是把它们无限循环地浓缩,化作春夏秋冬节气的一方天色,化作喜怒哀乐个人的一次表情,化作声音色彩欲出的一缕清唱,这天色表情清唱经过内心化学反应生发出来的词语意象,又会被无限地放大,进而洋溢出勃勃的精神能量。 If you do not read the works, I really can not feel this piece of barren land in western Liaoning, land of misery, far-reaching and profound cultural accumulation and the fragile reality of development. The thin land, once in contact with the poet’s soul, will burst out a lot of bright life Light. Liaoxi mountains and mountains are not high; western Liaoning water, abundant water difficult; even the soil, but also in the spring sandstorms and summer drought in a very unwilling to turn the drifting ...... Exhaustion of material conditions, but to poets Spiritual needs are more desires, the spiritual space subjective creation of emotions grow, the language of the world presents a unique and full of flavor. The geographical territory created by the poets born in Sri Lanka is not physically photographic and their strokes are by no means limited to the superficial level of the human customs of mountain scenery because that is not poetry. Poetry, that is, their infinite loop concentration, into the spring, summer, autumn and winter weather on the one hand, into emotions and emotions of an individual expression, into the voices of a ray of clear singing, the expression of the sky clear-cut singer The word image produced by chemical reaction will be magnified indefinitely, and then overflowing with energetic energy.
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