(本刊讯)由关传友副研究员撰著的《中华竹文化》一书不久前已由中国文联出版社出版。 该书是一部全面系统地研究探讨中华竹文化的学术专著。全书共分上下两篇。上篇从文化史、科技史角度,详细论述了竹在中华民族的衣食住行、生产、书写、工艺品和乐器制作、
(Ben Kanxun) An Associate Researcher by Chuan Chuan-You, an author of “Bamboo Culture in China,” recently published by China Federation of Literature Publishing House. The book is a comprehensive and systematic study of Chinese bamboo culture academic monographs. The book is divided into two parts. The first chapter from the cultural history, history of science and technology, bamboo in detail discussed the Chinese clothing, food, housing, writing, handicrafts and musical instruments,