为了明确中微量元素肥料(主要成份Ca O、MgO、SiO_2和ZnO含量分别为20%、12%、10%和3%)不同用量对超级稻抗倒伏能力和产量形成的影响,于2014年早、晚季以超级稻品种天优3618为材料,设置4个用量水平(F0,对照,全生育期不施用,F1、F2和F3用量分别为25 kg/667 m~2、50 kg/667 m~2和75 kg/667 m~2)进行大田试验,研究中微量元素肥料施用对水稻的茎秆抗折力、形态结构和产量形成的影响。结果表明,中微量元素肥料的施用显著降低了早晚稻的倒伏指数和重心高度,与对照相比,F1和F2处理分别使水稻的倒伏指数和重心高度下降10.50%、8.37%和2.56%、2.22%;显著提高了水稻的单株和单茎抗折力、节间抗折力、节间的鲜质量百分比和茎壁厚度,分别较对照平均提高10.78%、13.49%、12.33%、11.93%和4.81%;同时基部不同节间对中微量元素肥料的响应存在差异,其中第2节间倒伏指数的下降幅度较第3节间多5.51个百分点,而第2节间的鲜质量百分比、鲜质量/干质量、茎壁厚度和粗度则分别多增加3.55个、2.41个、0.98个和0.19个百分点;中微量元素肥料的施用也有利于水稻产量的形成,但除成穗率和抽穗期绿叶面积外,其他指标各处理与对照的差异并未达显著水平。上述结果表明,中微量元素肥料能提高水稻的抗倒伏能力,有利于水稻产量的形成,其适宜用量为25~50 kg/667 m~2。
In order to clarify the effect of medium and microelements fertilizers (main components CaO, MgO, SiO2 and ZnO content of 20%, 12%, 10% and 3%) on the lodging resistance and yield of super rice, In the late season, the super rice variety Tianyou 3618 was used as material, and four levels of F0 were used as control. The whole growth period was not applied. The dosage of F1, F2 and F3 were 25 kg / 667 m ~ 2 and 50 kg / 667 m respectively ~ 2 and 75 kg / 667 m ~ 2). The effects of application of trace element fertilizers on the stress resistance, morphological structure and yield of rice stem were studied. The results showed that the application of trace element fertilizers significantly reduced the lodging index and center of gravity of morning and evening rice. Compared with the control, F1 and F2 decreased the lodging index and center of gravity of rice by 10.50%, 8.37% and 2.56%, 2.22% % Respectively. The resistance to stress, internode resistance, internode fresh weight percentage and stem thickness of single and single stalk of rice increased significantly by 10.78%, 13.49%, 12.33%, 11.93% and 4.81% respectively. In the same time, there were differences in responses of middle and microelements to different internodes in the basal part, among which, the decrease of the second inter-lodging index was 5.51% more than that of the third internode, while the fresh mass percentage, / Dry weight, stem thickness and thickness increased by 3.55, 2.41, 0.98 and 0.19 percentage points respectively. The application of medium and microelements fertilizers also contributed to the formation of rice yield, except for panicle rate and green leaf stage Area, the other indicators of the treatment and control of the difference did not reach a significant level. The above results show that medium and microelement fertilizer can improve the lodging resistance of rice and is conducive to the formation of rice yield, and the suitable dosage is 25 ~ 50 kg / 667 m ~ 2.