美国在线能够窥视你的Windows吗?假如AOL曾经决定将相关程序嵌入其即时信息软件,那它就有办法监视及追踪到用户如何使用计算机。即时信息软件制造商Tribal Voice的市场副总裁Richard Dym说:“我不叫它作窃听器,也不把它看作是一种功能,我把它称作恐慌。”尽管没有人指责AOL事实上在即时信息系统中使用了追踪性能,它的软件的确打开了一条到桌面电脑的通道,可以用来追踪用户使用哪种应用软件和使用了多长时间。
Can AOL see your Windows? If AOL had decided to embed the app in its instant messaging software, it would have a way to monitor and track how users use the computer. Richard Dym, vice president of marketing for Tribal Voice, a maker of instant messaging software, said: “I do not call it a bug, nor do I see it as a feature, I call it panic.” Although no one accused AOL of actually Tracking performance is used in IM, and its software does open up a channel to the desktop that can be used to track which application software the user has used and how long it has been used.