情定下瑶 20世纪70年代初期,和千千万万名知青的命运一样,刚二十出头的上海姑娘李云凤下放到了江西省金溪县珊城乡肖科村委会下瑶村小组。在这个山水宜人、民风淳朴的小村庄,李云凤得到了年轻、善良的生产队会计刘建国无微不至的关心与呵护,随着时间的流逝,两人的感情日渐深厚,并于1975年结了婚。然而,仅仅过了三四年,上海知青返城的浪潮就席卷着全国,李云凤也不得不暂别深爱的丈夫和子女,先回到上海。几年以后,她想办法将他们接到了上海。由于李云凤有工作单位。而刘建国又勤劳
In the early 1970s, with the fate of hundreds of thousands of educated youth, Li Yunfeng, a Shanghai girl in his early twenties, went down to the Yao Village Sub-Committee of Shaoxing County, Shanshui Township, Jinxi County, Jiangxi Province. In this small, pleasant village with a simple folk style, Li Yunfeng got the meticulous attention and care of Liu Jianguo, a young and kind-hearted production team accountant. As time went by, the two became more and more deeply married and became married in 1975. However, just three or four years later, the tide of Shanghai educated youth returning to the city swept across the country and Li Yunfeng had no choice but to step aside his beloved husband and children and return to Shanghai first. A few years later, she managed to get them to Shanghai. Because Li Yunfeng has a work unit. Liu Jianguo and hardworking