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辛亥革命百年纪念很快就要到了,这让我回想起半个世纪之前境内首次纪念辛亥革命的前后情形。1954年秋冬之交,民主德国(即东德)历史学家贝喜发博士专程前来武汉搜集辛亥革命史料,外事部门邀请武汉大学历史系姚薇元、汪诒荪两位教授和我出面接待。在贝喜发短暂的逗留期间,除学者 Commemorating the centenary of the Revolution of 1911, which soon came to my mind, reminded me of the first time in the territory of the Revolution of 1911 that was commemorated half a century ago. At the turn of autumn and winter 1954, Dr Beihai, a historian of the German Democratic Republic (ie, the East Germany) made a special trip to come to Wuhan to collect the historical materials of the 1911 Revolution. The Foreign Affairs Department invited Yao Weiyuan and Wang 诒 un, two professors from the Department of History of Wuhan University, to come forward for their reception. During the brief stay at Bexley, except for scholars
4月4日 晴  如果你要问我梦想的力量是什么?我会回答:梦想仿佛是一叶木舟,能够载着我们驶向远方;梦想仿佛是一个指路航标,让我们的生活有了方向;梦想仿佛是遇到挫折时的一句安慰,让我们有了坚强下去的理由。  要说到我的人生梦想,那就是当老师。因为在和老师一起学习的过程中,我收获了很多快乐。长大以后,我想用我们老师的教学方法,让更多的孩子感受到快乐,让他们拥有一个美好的童年,轻松快乐的童年,而且,我还