腰腿痛是常见的临床症状,是困扰临床诊疗的一大难题。美国国立健康统计中心(National Center For Health Statistics)的报告把腰腿部的伤痛列为45岁以下病人活动受限的最常见原因[1]。腰腿痛最常见的病因是脊柱病变引起脊神经根受压、损伤而出现神经症状。而脊神经节对机械压迫
Low back pain is a common clinical symptom and is a major problem plaguing clinical diagnosis and treatment. The report by the National Center for Health Statistics lists lumbar and leg pain as the most common cause of restricted mobility in patients under 45 [1]. The most common cause of low back pain is spinal nerve root compression caused by spinal lesions, damage and neurological symptoms. The spinal ganglia on mechanical compression