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1.重症中暑的临床表现重症中暑者的症状是而色苍白、恶心、呕吐、大量出汗、皮肤湿冷或皮肤干燥无汗,血压下降、脉搏细弱而快,甚至出现突然晕倒或痉挛,体温高达40℃以上。重症中暑根据发病机理及临床表现分为热射病、热痉挛和热衰竭。热射病(包括日射病)又称中暑性高热,多发生于处于高气温、强热辐射或伴有高气湿的环境中工作的人员,发病较急。其原因是由于人体产生的热量和获得的热量超过散发的热量,致使体内不断蓄热,体温不断上升,体温调节功能衰竭。患者高烧,很快昏迷不醒、恶心呕吐、呼吸困难,肛温达41℃以上,甚至高达43℃。此病开始时大量出汗,然后无汗伴有皮肤干热发红。热射病病情危急,死亡率高。热痉挛是工人在高温、强热辐射或太阳 1. The clinical manifestations of severe heat stroke Severe heat stroke symptoms are pale, nausea, vomiting, sweating a lot, skin wet or dry skin without sweat, blood pressure, pulse weak and fast, and even sudden fainting or spasms, body temperature Up to 40 ℃ above. Severe heat stroke according to the pathogenesis and clinical manifestations are divided into heat and heat disease, heat spasm and heat failure. Heat-induced disease (including solar-disease), also known as hot heat stroke, occurred in the high temperature, intense heat radiation or work environment with high humidity, the incidence of more urgent. The reason is that due to the heat generated by the body and the heat gained over the heat emitted, resulting in continuous body heat, body temperature rising, thermoregulatory dysfunction. Patients with fever, and soon unconscious, nausea and vomiting, difficulty breathing, rectal temperature up to 41 ℃, or even up to 43 ℃. Swelling a lot at the beginning of the disease, and then accompanied by dry sweat without heat redness. Infectious disease in critical condition, high mortality. Hot cramps are the workers at high temperatures, intense heat radiation or the sun
目的 观察彩色多普勒超声诊断下肢深静脉血栓的意义.方法 回顾性总结我院2019年1月——2020年1月收治的60例下肢深静脉血栓患者的临床资料(观察组),并选择60例同期健康体检者