本文通过对东亚五受灾国复苏过程中取得的成就进行特征分析,并结合五国经济增长 的中长期表现,阐明了东亚五国经济进一步增长的有利和不利因素;经过检验,本文 认为,五国复苏过程并非完全依赖于外部环境,东亚五国危机前的增长因素同样贡献 于这一复苏的进程。
Through the analysis of the characteristics of the achievements made in the recovery of the five affected countries in East Asia and the medium- and long-term performance of economic growth in the five countries, this paper illustrates the favorable and unfavorable factors of further economic growth in East Asia. After examination, The recovery process is not totally dependent on the external environment. The growth factors of the five East Asian countries before the crisis also contribute to the recovery process.