
来源 :中国妇幼保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youxiangzhuce126
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杨崇瑞,字雪丰,1891年9月6日出生在河北省通县农村的一个普通农民家庭。1910年她以优异的成绩毕业于北京贝满书院(后为贝满女中一女12中—166中),考升协和女子大学;半年后被保送北京协和医学堂专修医学。1917年毕业时,她名列前茅,荣获医学博士学位。毕业后她志愿列山东省德州博济医院工作,曾奔赴华北黄泛灾区为灾民和贫苦农民医疗服务。同时,她热情宣传妇幼卫生知识,是我国最早把现代卫生知识送往农村的人。1922年杨崇瑞入协和医学院进修,继而被选聘在妇产科做医师工作。其间,她工作认真,悉心钻研,深得病人信赖。实习期间,她曾到河北省遵化、三河县一带调查,了解到当时新生儿中的破伤风死亡率和产妇产褥热的死亡率很高,这使她意识到作为一名妇产科医生的严肃责任,于是,她开始致力于预防产妇产褥热和新生儿破伤风的工作。她利用医院临床之暇,兼办社会服务,既积极医治患者,更注重服务大众,认识到预防工作的重要。她先在北京朝阳门外设立了孕妇检查所,专门从事妇女孕期检查及妇科检查治疗;尔后又在北京灯市口慈商工厂设诊所,专为女工和孕妇检查和治疗服务。 Yang Chongrui, the word snow Feng, September 6, 1891 was born in Tong County, Hebei Province, an ordinary peasant family. In 1910, she graduated with honors from Beijing Bei Man College (later, a girl in Beiman 12 -166 middle school), promoted to Concordia Women’s University; and was escorted to Peking Union Medical College to study medicine six months later. Upon graduation in 1917, she was among the best and received her MD. After graduating, she volunteered to work at Debu Boxing Hospital in Dezhou, Shandong Province. She went to Huangfan Districts in North China to provide medical services to victims and poor peasants. At the same time, she enthusiastically promoted the knowledge of maternal and child health and was the first person in our country to send modern health knowledge to rural areas. In 1922, Yang Chongrui entered the Institute of Medicine and later went on to be employed as a physician in obstetrics and gynecology. In the meantime, she worked earnestly, carefully studied, won the trust of patients. During her internship, she went to Zunhua and Sanhe County, Hebei Province to conduct a survey. She learned of the high neonatal death rates of tetanus and maternal puerperal fever, which led her to realize that as an obstetrics and gynecology department The doctor’s serious responsibility, so she began to work to prevent maternal puerperal fever and neonatal tetanus work. Taking advantage of the hospital’s clinical time and social services, she not only proactively treated patients, but also paid attention to serving the public and realized the importance of preventive work. She first set up a pregnant woman’s examination center outside Beijing’s Chaoyang, specializing in the examination of women’s pregnancy and gynecological examination and treatment. Later, she set up a clinic at the Cihang factory in Beijing to provide examination and treatment services for women workers and pregnant women.
庾大庆:1978年入伍,1994年任成都军区空军转业办主任,2001年转业并选择自主择业,在“五粮春”公司总部组建打假办并销售青梅酒。2002年8月,又被公司委任为北京“五粮春”有限公司总经理。    创业故事    庾大庆选择自主择业,在成空部队引起过不小的震动。因为,第一,他当时是成空干部转业工作办公室主任,正团职干部;第二,他做干部转业工作成绩突出,而且比较年轻,有晋升的机会;第三,如果计划