
来源 :北华大学学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lixuelei19890117
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《北华大学学报》(社会科学版)“语言规划与现代化”专栏责任编辑李开拓先生要我提供评介中国语文现代化领军人物,中国语文现代化学会创建者,著名语言学家王均先生的文章,我费尽琢磨:哪一篇能代表呢?记得某位哲人说过:惟有自己最了解自己。好了,我手里有一篇王先生的《我这一辈子》,曾发表在《西南联大北京校友会简讯》(第32期)的《庆祝西南联和大学成立65周年纪念特辑》(2002年10月)上,知道的人并不多。如在《北华大学学报》(社会科学版)刊发,应属首次正式发表。2002年11月7日,我从武夷山开完会飞经北京,晚上到王先生家去看望先生并汇报会议情况。先生拿出《特辑》对我说:“你赶上了,这一册就送你,别人就不给了。”我用了整整一个月时间通读,受益匪浅。大师云集、学术自由、民主风气蔚然成风,泥草房的西南联大短短9年时间培养出了著名的文学家、哲学家、社会科学家,两位诺贝尔奖获得者,78位中国科学院院士,12位中国工程院院士,教授、研究员、编审、高级工程师和各级干部难以数计。这个大学是怎么办的?梅贻琦说:所谓大学者,非谓大楼之谓也,有大师之谓也。一个大学所以为大学,全在于有没有好教授。蒋梦麟说:教授治学,学生求学,职员治事,校长治校。我们再摘几段扬振宁的话:一个学校最重要的是它的学生素质,而不是它的设备。我到北大、清华去,他们告诉我,物理课本有四大厚本,学生喘不过气来。一个喘不过气的学生,今后不可能做得很好。他必须是一个活生生的学生,将来才行。整个东亚教育的哲学,太使一个人受拘束。中国的学生是知识太多了,活的思想太少了。我认为,知识的积累并不是目的,大学教育的目的,是训练有独立思考能力的年轻人。独立思考需要有一定的知识,但不能本末倒置。王均先生成长于这所大学,先生把书送给我是让我受教育。我愿意把这种厚爱与大家分享,如果各位读者也能从中受益,就算我没白费工夫。原文较长,由于版面限制进行了整理,如有失误,全由本人承担。有兴趣者,可拜读原文。 Mr. Li Kaituo, editor in chief of the column of “Journal of Beihua University (Social Science Edition)” and “Language Planning and Modernization” asked me to provide a review of the Chinese modernist leader, Mr. Wang Jun, founder of the Chinese Language Modernization Society and famous linguist Article, I pondered carefully: Which one can represent it? Remember a philosopher said: Only you know yourself best. Well, I have a Mr. Wang’s “My Life” in my hand and the “Special Anniversary Celebration of the 65th Anniversary of the Founding of Southwest Union University” published in the “Briefing of Beijing Association of Alumni of SWAU” (No. 32) (2002 October), not many people know. If published in “Journal of Beihua University” (Social Science Edition), it should be the first official publication. On November 7, 2002, I flew through Beijing from Wuyishan to visit Mr. Wang at home and report the meeting. Mr. took out “special edition” said to me: “You catch up, this one will send you, others will not give.” "I spent a whole month time read, benefit greatly. Masters gathered in academic freedom and democracy prevailed. In the past nine years, the southwestern association of mud-weaving houses has cultivated famous writers, philosophers and social scientists, two Nobel laureates, 78 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 12 Chinese Academy of Engineering, professors, researchers, editors, senior engineers and cadres at all levels difficult to count. This university is how to do? Mei Yiqi said: The so-called college, non-predicate that the building, there are masters of that. A university so for the university, all lies in there is no good professor. Jiang Menglin said: Professor scholarship, students studying, staff governance, school principals. Let’s take a few paragraphs of Yang Zhenning: The most important thing about a school is its student quality, not its equipment. I went to Peking University, Tsinghua University, they told me that the physics textbook has four great books, students breathe out. An out-of-breath student can not do well in the future. He must be a living student who will do it in the future. The philosophy of education throughout East Asia is too restrictive for one person. Chinese students have too much knowledge and too few living thoughts. I think that the accumulation of knowledge is not an end. The purpose of university education is to train young people with independent thinking skills. Independent thinking requires some knowledge, but not the cart before the horse. Mr. Wang Jun grew up in this university, Mr. sent me the book is to let me be educated. I would like to share this kind of love with all of you. If all readers can benefit from it, even if I did not waste my time and effort. The original text is longer, due to layout restrictions have been sorted, if any errors, all borne by myself. Interested, can read the original.