1病例资料患者,男,37岁。2011年10月无明显诱因出现乏力,伴低热,体温最高达38℃,无畏寒,胸前出现散在瘀点,仅给予抗炎等对症治疗后,体温恢复正常。半个月后患者自觉胸闷乏力明显,四肢出现散在淤点,血常规示:WBC 284.9×109/L,Hb 76g/L,PLT 35×109/L。2011年10月25日复查血常规示:WBC 340.1×109/L,Hb 42g/L,PLT 15×109/L,就诊于长征医院行骨髓穿刺示:骨髓增生极度活跃,原始细胞占89.5%,该类原始细胞体积偏小,大小较一致,核仁明显(偏小,1~3个),可见核扭曲、臀裂,胞质量少,淡蓝色,该类原始细胞组
1 case data patients, male, 37 years old. October 2011 no obvious incentive to appear fatigue, with fever, body temperature up to 38 ℃, no chills, chest scattered petechiae only given anti-inflammatory symptomatic treatment, the body temperature returned to normal. Half a month later, the patient complained of obvious chest tightness and weakness. The scattered blood clots appeared on the extremities. Blood samples showed WBC 284.9 × 109 / L, Hb 76g / L and PLT 35 × 109 / L. October 25, 2011 review of blood showed: WBC 340.1 × 109 / L, Hb 42g / L, PLT 15 × 109 / L, visit the Changzheng Hospital bone marrow puncture showed: bone marrow hyperplasia extremely active, accounting for 89.5% of the original cells, These primitive cells are smaller in size, more consistent in size, and have obvious nucleoli (1 to 3 in size), with distorted nucleus, gluteal cleft, weak cytoplasm and light blue color.