The Indian iron ore industry has made great strides both in terms of increased output and improved technology. India has been continuously updating its mining technology to produce quality iron ore that meets its requirements for domestic steel mills and for export supplies. In-depth and meticulous geological mapping has greatly increased India’s iron ore reserves. In order to compete with the rapid development of other parts of the world, Indian mining companies have made great efforts in the following aspects: improving perforation and blasting technology, improving the rate of complete utilization and utilization of large-scale mining equipment, using computers and modern management techniques Wait. The mining enterprises in close cooperation with research institutes, consulting companies, government agencies, continue to apply new technology to the mine production units. In recent decades, India has given due attention to improving mine productivity, especially in order to meet the needs of domestic steel mills and ore exports, and has achieved the transition to large mechanized mines to produce quality (physical and chemical properties) Qualified ore.