心房颤动是常见的心律失常,其复杂的电生理机制尚未完全阐明。心脏脂肪垫是一种特殊的位于心外膜的内脏脂肪组织,是一个分泌活跃的内分泌器官,有着重要的生理功能。心脏脂肪垫在心房颤动的发生、维持及终止中起着非常重要的作用,且心脏脂肪垫的体积、厚度与心房颤动也有着密切的关系。现就其之间的相互关系做一综述。“,”Atrial fibrillation is a common arrhythmia, and its complex electrophysiological mechanism has not been fully elucidated. The fat pad is a special visceral adipose tissue located in the epicardium.It is an active endocrine organ that plays an important role in the occurrence, maintenance, and termination of atrial fibrillation.The thickness of the fat pad also has a close relationship with atrial fibrilla-tion.This article reviews the relationship between the fat pad and atrial fibrillation.