1例26岁女性因面部雀斑行激光脱色治疗,术后予复方熊果苷乳膏(1 g、每晚1次)面部外敷。首次敷用该药约12 h后面部出现红肿和小水疱疹伴脱屑。诊断为接触性皮炎,考虑与复方熊果苷乳膏有关。停用复方熊果苷乳膏,予醋酸泼尼松片20 mg口服、1次/d,左西替利嗪片5 mg口服、每晚1次,3%硼酸洗液局部湿敷。3 d后患者面部红肿、脱屑明显好转,大部分水疱疹消失;1周后电话随访,水疱疹消失。“,”A 26-year-old woman received laser decolorization therapy for facial freckles. After the operation, compound arbutin cream 1 g once per night was applied on the face. She developed redness, swelling, and water blisters with desquamation on her face about 12 hours after the first application of the drug. She was diagnosed as having contact dermatitis, which was considered to be related to compound arbutin cream. Then the cream was withdrawn. She received prednisone acetate 20 mg orally once daily, levocetirizine 5 mg orally once per night, and local hydropathic compress with 3% boric acid lotion. Three days later, her facial redness, swelling, and desquamation were obviously improved, and most of the water blisters disappeared. At a one-week telephone follow-up, the patient′s water blisters disappeared.