目的研究献血不良反应对献血者再次献血的影响及护理要点。方法本次研究选取的研究对象为2013年1月1日至2016年12月31日期间参与献血的无偿献血者6000名,统计无偿献血者的献血不良反应情况,回顾性分析献血不良反应对再次献血的影响,并制定相应的护理干预措施。结果 2013年~2016年间6000名无偿献血者中112人次(1.87%)出现了不同程度的献血不良反应,发生献血不良反应的112人次的再次献血率为14.29%,轻度、中度、重度献血不良反应的比率分别为68.75%、25.00%、6.25%。结论血站应对无偿献血者实施积极的人性化护理,对献血不良反应进行及时的处理,使志愿献血者队伍得到稳定和巩固。
Objective To study the influence of adverse reactions of blood donation on blood donation again and the nursing points. Methods The research object selected in this study was 6000 volunteer blood donors participating in blood donation from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2016. The adverse reactions of blood donation were surveyed and the adverse reactions of blood donation were analyzed retrospectively The impact of blood donation, and develop appropriate nursing interventions. Results 112 (1.87%) of the 6,000 unpaid blood donors from 2013 to 2016 showed different degrees of adverse reactions of blood donation. The re-donation rate of 112 persons with adverse reactions of blood donation was 14.29%, and mild, moderate and severe blood donation The rates of adverse reactions were 68.75%, 25.00% and 6.25% respectively. Conclusion The blood donation should be implemented in a positive and humane care for blood donors, timely treatment of adverse reactions to blood donation, the volunteer blood donor team to be stable and consolidated.