《史记》、《汉书》作为纪传体通史和断代史的开山之作 ,对中国史学的发展产生了极为深远的影响 ,二书关系密切。但二书作者由于受诸多因素的影响 ,在其著作中也出现了一些有分歧的、甚至错误的记载。清代考据学家赵翼在其著作《廿二史札记》中 ,对《史记》、《汉书》以及二书的相互关系进行了详细的对比研究 ,取得了许多有价值的成果。对推动后人的研究工作 ,颇具启迪作用。笔者深入分析和总结了赵翼的研究成果 ,并对其考证中的疏漏也做了补证。
“Historical Records” and “Han Dynasty” as the history of annals and the history of the dynastic history of the mountains, the development of Chinese historiography had a very far-reaching impact, the second book is closely related. However, due to many factors, the author of the two books appeared some disagreeable or even wrong records in his works. Zhao Yi, a textual critic in the Qing Dynasty, conducted a detailed comparative study of the relationship between Records of the Historian, Han and the Second Book in his book, The Twenty-Two Historical Notes, and achieved many valuable results. To promote future research work, quite inspiring. The author analyzes and summarizes the research results of Zhao Yi in depth, and also complements the omission in his research.