Effects of Plastic Film Mulching of Millet on Soil Moisture and Temperature in Semi-Arid Areas in So

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The effects of film mulching of millet on soil water content were studied in semi-arid areas in the Loess Plateau of South Ningxia, China. Different mulching methods including water micro-collecting farming (WF), water micro-collecting farming in winter fallow (WW), hole seeding on film (HF), hole seeding on film in winter fallow (HW) were compared to determine the effects of mulching methods on soil water collecting and conservation during millet growth periods of 2003-2004, as well as the variation tendency of water content after rainfall, output of millet and water use efficiency (WUE). The experimental results in the two successive years indicated that water micro-collecting farming had a better function of collecting water after rainfall, and side infiltrated water was stored under the ridges and the top layer 0-40 cm soil water changes were great. WF had obvious role in water collection and preservation of soil moisture . It effectively improved the water supply capacity by about 19.05% in the end of growth seasons. The storage of HW and WW increased by 24.9 and 7.1 mm compared with CK, and output of yield were obviously increased. Film mulching increased the yield of millet and enhanced water use efficiency (WUE). During different growth periods, WF exhibited better water storage function with lower water consumption, and demonstrated optimal social and ecological benefits. The effects of film mulching of millet on soil water content were studied in semi-arid areas in the Loess Plateau of South Ningxia, China. Different mulching methods including water micro-collecting farming (WF), water micro-collecting farming in winter fallow ( WW), hole seeding on film in winter fallow (HW) were compared to determine the effects of mulching methods on soil water collecting and conservation during millet growth periods of 2003-2004, as well as the variation tendency of water content after rainfall, output of millet and water use efficiency (WUE). The experimental results in the two successive years indicated that water micro-collecting farming had a better function of collecting water after rainfall, and side infiltrated water was stored under the ridges and the top layer 0-40 cm soil water changes were great. Wf had obvious role in water collection and preservation of soil moisture. It effectively improved the water supply capacity by about 19.05% in the end of growth seasons. The storage of HW and WW increased by 24.9 and 7.1 mm compared with CK, and output of yield were obviously increased. W mulching increased the yield of millet and enhanced water use efficiency (WUE). different growth periods, WF discloses better water storage function with lower water consumption, and demonstrated optimal social and ecological benefits.
方和圆,在数学上是最基本的几何图形,在生活中是常见的物体形态。北京的鸟巢、水立方是方圆建筑的典范。“天圆地方”是中国古人对天地的看法,由此生发出“天圆地方,有容乃大”的宇宙观和“外圆内方”的为人处世之道。所以就有孟子“规矩,方圆之至也”之说,也有唐代诗人孟郊的“万俗皆走圆,一身独行方。”之诗。  人活一辈子,无非是“做人”与“做事”两件事。做事难,做人更难。有副对联就写出了做人的不易。说的是:“若
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青春是个多梦的季节,每一个梦都是我们对今后美好世界的向往、憧憬。但是,人生难免有起伏、有跌宕,是什么让我们不再迷茫,是什么让我们为了梦想坚守下去,我想应该是“守望”一度支撑我们大步向前。  守望中国梦,继续前进!纵观目前国际社会,具有一个共同的崇高理想,推进文明的和谐与共同繁荣,共同建立一个和谐美好的世界。为了推进文明的和谐与共同繁荣,在面临这个越加多极、多元的社会世界,我们更应该要传承我国文明文
作者简介:刘薇,汉,女,苏州市纺织工业职工中等专业学校德育和语文教师。  身处21世纪的我们认真学习着马列主义,毛泽东思想,邓小平理论,“三个代表”重要思想以及科学发展观,并且努力践行着。然而,当科技日新月异的时候,日子越过越好的时候,我们自己可曾回忆起过去拥有的那些美好呢?  忆坚持  毕业季于每个人而言,都是人生的抉择。是参加工作,还是继续深造,当时的我在读本科时,就暗下决心要考研。那时,我有
昊昊时常去想以前的事。那时的家在一座青瓦平房里,有一个很大的院落。父亲喜欢种花,母亲喜欢晒太阳。记忆里印象最深的事情是自己毕业离家的那个中午,天空阴沉沉地像在预告场别离。随后下起了雨。恍惚中,母亲的眼眶微瓢像是远处被雨冲刷模糊的山际线。而父亲在大雨里站了很久,沉默着没有说话。最后在轰隆的暴雨声里,发出一声模糊浑浊的叹息声来。听上去像是一种呜咽,恍恍惚惚,茫然失措。  那么,现在呢?连家门前的两三棵
作者簡介:赵维宁(1996-),女,汉族,广东珠海人,武汉大学文学院汉语言文学专业14级在读本科生,研究方向:语言学。  阿顺看着自己刚刚塑造好的菩萨,笑了。  这是阿顺在莫高窟的第二十年。二十年前的他,十五岁,正值青春年少,被父亲领进了这千佛之窟。  洞窟内,是一尊尊慈眉善目的菩萨,正注视着这位年轻的创造者;洞窟外,伴随着鸣沙山的沙响,便是明媚蓝天,漫漫黄沙。  阿顺知道,这里是父亲为之奉献一生