通过对大连红菊芋沙漠治理有限公司在科尔沁沙地和松嫩沙地的红菊芋基地调查发现 ,菊芋的地下部分由两部分组成 ,一是常规的营养根 ,二是地下茎 ,地下茎独立生长 ,是形成菊芋块茎的重要组织 ;菊芋块茎不是顶端膨大形成 ,而是在地下茎的中部形成 ,而且 1根地下茎在 5 6~80d的生长期内可形成 1~ 3处膨起。此调查结果与目前有关菊芋的文献记载差异较大 ,这一生物学特性对菊芋的集约化经营具有特殊的意义
Based on the investigation of Dalian Red Jerusalem Artichoke Desert Treatment Co., Ltd. in Horqin sandy land and Red Jerusalem artichoke base in Songnen sandy land, the underground part of Jerusalem artichoke is composed of two parts, one is the conventional nutrient root, the other is the underground stem and the underground stem grows independently, The formation of Jerusalem artichoke tubers of the important organizations; Jerusalem artichoke tubers not to expand the top formation, but in the middle of the formation of underground stems, and 1 underground stems in 56 ~ 80d of the growth period can form 1 to 3 bulge. The results of this survey differ greatly from the current literature on Jerusalem artichoke and this biological characteristic has special significance for the intensive management of Jerusalem artichoke