Bohemian attitudes and actions

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  One way to tell who is a bohemian person is that a bohemian person is living an unconventional life. They have unconventional attitudes and perform unconventional actions. Attitudes, values and actions are together making a certain kind of lifestyle. An attitude represents an individual’s degree of like or dislike for something. Lifestyle is a way of life or style of living that reflects the attitudes and values of a person or group. Bohemians have their own bohemian lifestyle.
  We can say that a person is Bohemian or lives a Bohemian life, if they live their own way, without following the conventional rules of behavior accepted as normal by the society. Writers, artists, poets, musicians and philosophers could commonly be found leading bohemian lifestyles in the 19th century. Classical examples of bohemians are Lord George Gordon Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley, the famous British poets, who were Bohemians, because they did not live the way most other people of their time did. For example, Lord Byron was said to be “mad, bad and dangerous to know” as Lady Caroline Lamb described him. Poet Shelley was famous about his “uncompromising idealism”.
  Bohemians like to be free individuals. They place freedom of self-expression above all other desires, including wealth and social status. All the bohemians are not going to be successful nor winners. Winner is one that is successful especially through praiseworthy ability and hard work. Bohemians are often having many abilities but they are not always hard workers. Usually society and power elites do not stand Bohemian attitudes.
  There are some ways to make people bohemian.
  1. Listen to the music, read the books, watch the movies that you like. What you like and don’t are part of your individual personality.
  2. Question what you and others believe. If you have grown up with a certain belief system, ask yourself why you believe this. Do you really believe this or is it just a habit?
  3. Become informed about other lifestyles or points of view. If there is an aspect you admire, take it into your own life.
  4. Express yourself in some artistic way. This may not be what you are good at but everybody has some creativity. Art, music, writing, etc., whatever works.
  5. Live for the moment. Also remember that if something goes wrong, don’t stress and freak out. Just let it be and calmly try to solve the problem.
  unconventional adj. 不寻常的
  reflect v. 反映
  philosopher n. 哲学家
  uncompromising idealism (诗人雪莱的)不妥协完美主义
  status n. 地位
  praiseworthy adj. 值得赞扬的
  elite n. 精英
  freak out v. 崩溃
  (Do you like to be Bohemian? Why?)
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