“咱们新疆好地方……”这首动听的歌曲不知勾起了多少旅游者心驰神往。借着“五一”长假,我兴冲冲地来到新疆。新疆之旅给我的总体印象是“五多四福”——景观多、民族多、美食多、美女多、热情多,饱了眼福、口福、耳福, 人感觉到幸福。新疆面积占到全国六分之一,景观丰富,包括雪山、冰川、草原、湖泊、沙漠、戈壁、古城,各具特色。地貌整体概括为三山夹两盆,三山自北向南分别是阿尔泰山、天山、昆仑山,两盆是指准噶尔盆地和塔里木盆地。以天山为界,分为南疆、北疆。因时间有限,我这次新疆之旅集中在北疆一线。虽是走马观花,但一路行来,感觉真如那首歌中所唱:“我走过了许多地方,最美的还是我们新疆……”
“We Xinjiang a good place ... ...” The first song I do not know how many tourists attracted fascinated. With the “May Day” holiday, I am excited to come to Xinjiang. Xinjiang trip to me the overall impression is “more than four blessings” - more landscapes, more ethnic groups, more food, more beautiful, passionate, full of eyes, mouth, ears, people feel happy. Xinjiang occupies one sixth of the country’s area with rich landscapes, including snow-capped mountains, glaciers, grasslands, lakes, deserts, Gobi, and ancient cities. Overall, the landscape consists of three basins and two basins. From north to south, the three mountains are respectively Altai, Tianshan and Kunlun Mountains. The two basins refer to the Junggar Basin and the Tarim Basin. Tianshan as a boundary, divided into southern, northern Xinjiang. Because of the limited time, my trip to Xinjiang is concentrated in the northern frontier. Although cursory, but all the way to come, I feel as if the song sung: “I have traveled many places, the most beautiful or our Xinjiang ... ...”