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研究将72只大鼠随机分为模型组、左金丸组、空白组,每组24只(雌雄各半)。模型组及左金丸组用浓度递增乙醇溶液灌胃,持续3周,之后2周给予浓度递增的辣椒素和乙醇的混合水溶液灌胃,诱导大鼠胃热模型形成。期间左金丸组每日予左金丸汤剂灌胃,持续5周。第6周,每组各随机抽取12只(雌雄各半),麻醉并处死,取胃体清洗干净,部分胃体固定包埋,切片进行组织学检查,部分胃组织进行酶联免疫吸附实验,观察IL-2的浓度;剩余存活大鼠用于观察模型持续时间;实验期间每日观察大鼠的体重、食量、饮水量等。造模后,模型组大鼠胃部病理结果显示大鼠出现胃溃疡病变,IL-2浓度明显高于空白组,模型组的一般症状和药物反证结果均符合胃热证模型指标,因此认为,辣椒素和乙醇溶液相结合的灌胃方法可建立胃热证大鼠模型。 Seventy-two rats were randomly divided into model group, Zuojin pill group and blank group, 24 rats in each group (male and female half). The rats in model group and Zuojin Pill group were given gavage with increasing ethanol concentration for 3 weeks, followed by gavage with ethanol and aqueous solution of gavage for 2 weeks. Zuojin pill during the day to Zuojinwan decoction gavage for 5 weeks. At the 6th week, 12 rabbits in each group were randomly selected. The animals were anesthetized and sacrificed. The corpuscles were taken clean and the gastric bodies were fixed and embedded. The sections were taken for histological examination. Some of the gastric tissues were subjected to enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) The concentration of IL-2 was observed. The remaining surviving rats were used to observe the duration of the model. The body weight, food intake and water intake of the rats were observed daily during the experiment. After modeling, gastric pathology in model rats showed gastric ulcer lesions in rats, IL-2 concentration was significantly higher than the blank group, the general symptoms of the model group and the drug anti-carding results are consistent with the stomach heat syndrome model indicators, therefore, Capsaicin and ethanol solution combination of gavage stomach model can be established heat syndrome.
【内容摘要】初中体育教学具有拓展性和开放性,它以符合初中生好动、爱玩的特点受到学生关注。如何在体育教学中激发初中学生对体育学习兴趣,是体育教师要深入研究的课题。  【关键词】初中体育 学习兴趣 教学方法  近期,苏州市教育局制定出台了《苏州市初中毕业生体育考试办法》,调整了考试的项目、标准,也调整了日常考核的分值和考核内容。这项措施既是引导初中生上好体育课,更对初中体育教学提出了相应要求,需要改变