切利比达克生前鲜为人知,逝世后人们才感悟到他与托斯卡尼尼、富特文格勒等同是20年代最了不起的指挥家。令人遗憾的是,大师在世时似乎没有踏进过录音室,他非常讨厌录音,认为唱片像青豆罐头,没有生命,不真实,“录音技术越进步就越背离了音乐的本质”,“听唱片好比与画像中的布里奇特·巴多特(Brig itte Bardot)做爱”,大师如是说。要听音乐就必须到音乐厅去听,这是他的音乐上的一个信念,他以后没有录过一张真正的唱片,世上流传的多是盗录版本,粗制滥造,音质很差。晚年,老人家对录音稍为开通一些,录制了些CD、LD,这无疑是研究切利比达克指挥艺术的珍贵资料。LD有TELDEC出品的切利比达克指挥慕尼黑爱乐乐团演奏的普罗科菲耶夫《古典交响乐》、德伏扎克《第9交响曲》(新世界)、伯拉姆斯《钢琴协奏曲》(钢琴巴伦)SONY出品的布鲁克纳《第6交响曲》、《第7交响曲》、《第8交响曲》、《第7交响曲》(BPO版本)CD有切利比达克儿子授权由EMI制作的
Cecilidabeck was little known during his lifetime, and only after his death did he realize that he, along with Toscanini and Furtwängler, were the greatest conductors of the 1920s. Regrettably, when the master did not seem to have stepped into the studio while he was alive, he hates recordings and thinks that the record can be like canned green beans without life. “The more the recording technology goes away from the essence of music,” the “ The record is like having sex with Brigitte Bardot in the portrait, ”the master said. To listen to music you must go to the concert hall to listen to. This is a belief in his music. After he did not record a real record, the world is mostly a pirate version. In his later years, the elderly opened the recording slightly and recorded some CDs and LDs. This is undoubtedly a precious resource for studying the art of Cecilia Bectac’s command. LD There are Prokofiev “Classical Symphony” performed by TELEEC’s Cecilia Chertak directed by the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra, the 9th Symphony of DeVozak (New World), the Polaris Piano Concerto (Piano Baron) Bruckner’s Symphony No. 6, Symphony No. 7, Symphony No. 8 and BPO Version No. 7 from SONY CD are licensed by Cutie Bidak Son Made by EMI