1 海员疾病的自我检查方法现代船舶一般都备有体重秤、体温计及血压计等常用的健康检查工具,若没有,海员也可以自备。经常测量自己的体温、体重和血压,并前后对照是最简单的利用医疗仪器进行自我检查的方法。航行期间,海员应该掌握最简单的自我健康检查方法,以便通过观察自己
1 SELF-INSPECTION OF MARINE DISEASES Modern ships are generally equipped with common health check-ups such as scales, thermometers and sphygmomanometers. If not, seafarers may bring their own. Constantly measuring your body temperature, weight, and blood pressure, and before and after the control is the easiest way to use self-examination of medical instruments. During the voyage, seafarers should have the simplest method of self-health examination so that by observing themselves