目的 :探讨久居高海拔地区低氧、低气压及多种因素对边防军人婚姻质量的影响 ;方法 :采用OLSON婚姻质量问卷ENRICH量表中的婚姻满意度 (marriagesatisfieddegreeMSD)、夫妻交流 (coupleexchangeCE)、经济安排 (economicmanagementEM)、性生活(sexuallifeSL)、角色平等 (actorequalityAE[1 ] ) 5个因子对近 5年内连续在海拔370 0m、42 0 0m、5 0 1 0m、5 1 90m、5 380m地区工作 3年以上返回平原的已婚、配偶随队的青年干部和志愿兵 74人 (高原组 )及 5 4名从未进入高原工作过的平原已婚、配偶随队的青年干部和志愿兵 (平原组 )分别进行了问卷调查 ,并做对比 ;结果 :高原组MSD、EM、SL 3个因子的得分显著低于平原组 (P <0 .0 1或P <0 .0 5 ) ,CE、AE 2个因子得分与平原组无显著差异 (P >0 .0 5 ) ,5个因子总和得分高原组显著低于平原组 (P <0 .0 1 ) ;结论 :高原组婚姻满意度显著低于平原组 ,其原因与长期在高原低氧环境中工作、慢性缺氧导致的脑功能障碍和机体内分泌功能紊乱有密切的关系。
Objective: To explore the impact of hypoxia, depression and many factors on the marital quality of border guards in high altitude areas. Methods: Marriage satisfaction (marriagesatisfieddegreeMSD), coupleexchangeCE in economy of OLSON marital quality questionnaire, 5 factors such as economic managementEM, sexuallifeSL, actorequalityAE [1] work continuously for 3 years at 370 0m, 42 0 0m, 5 0 1 0m, 5 1 90m and 5 380m in the past 5 years The number of young cadres and volunteers married to spouses and accompanying spouses over the year, 74 (plateau group), and 54 plains who had never been on the plateau were married, and the young cadres and volunteers (plains group) Results: The scores of MSD, EM and SL in plateau group were significantly lower than those in plain group (P <0.01 or P <0.05), CE, AE and 2 factors (P> 0.05). The scores of the five factors in the plateau group were significantly lower than those in the plain group (P <0.01). Conclusion: The marriage satisfaction in the plateau group was significantly lower than that in the plain group, The reason and long-term low in the plateau Work environment, brain dysfunction caused by chronic hypoxia and endocrine disorders are closely related.