他其貌不扬,他名声在外。他是职工的贴心人,他是领导的好助手。他就是晋煤集团连续三年的特级劳动模范,全国十佳选煤厂厂长王中民同志。 谈起他的成长经历,他说是家庭教育给了他仗义执言的勇气和与人为善的品质。或许就是因为这样的原因,他才能一次次地在困难面前披荆斩棘,战胜制约企业发展的“拦路虎”。1995年晋煤集团成庄矿电厂不能满负荷运转,他欣然受命,很快扭转了局面;1997年晋煤集团成庄矿排矸工区事故频发,安全不容乐观,他勇挑重担,抒写崭新的记录;1997年晋煤集团成庄矿选煤厂处理能力小,不能满足市场需求,他又一次接过了这块烫手的热“山芋”。
He is not good-looking, his reputation is out. He is a close worker, he is a good assistant to the leader. He is Jinmei Group for three consecutive years of super-class labor model, the country’s top ten coal plant director Comrade Wang Zhongmin. Talking about his growth experience, he said that family education has given him the courage and man-made quality of justification. Perhaps because of this reason, he can time and again overcome all difficulties in the face of difficulties and overcome the “stumbling block” that restricts the development of enterprises. In 1995, Jinzhuang Chengzhuang Coal Mine Power Plant was unable to operate at full capacity. He was glad to be appointed and quickly reversed the situation. In 1997, Jincheng Coal Mine Chengzhuang Coal Mine gang accident occurred frequently and his safety was not optimistic. He bravely took the burden and wrote a brand new Record; 1997 Chenghuang Coal Preparation Plant coal handling capacity is small, can not meet the market demand, he once again took over this hot hot “potato.”