一、选用无病良种 最好选用不带恶苗病病菌的水稻种子育秧。此外,选用恶苗病抗性较强的品种如武育粳3号等,能在一定程度上减轻该病发生。 二、种子处理 在稻种浸种催芽过程中,恶苗病病菌会使带病种子比例大大增加,而且催芽时间越
First, the selection of disease-free elite best selection without Fungi germ rice seedling. In addition, the selection of strong strains of Bakken disease such as Wuyujing 3, to a certain extent, reduce the occurrence of the disease. Second, the seed treatment Seed soaking in the process of seed germination, Fungi pathogens will greatly increase the proportion of diseased seeds, and the time to sprout