赏秀U_1的风头还未过,索尼爱立信(Sony Ericsson)就已经迫不及待地推出了U系列旗下的第二款机型U5i(Vivaz),相比较其“同门师兄”的庞大体积而言,U5i的体形则显得小巧了许多,而这款小巧的U5i又蕴藏着怎样的实力呢?会不会有让大家惊喜的闪光之处?就让MI马上带大家来看个究竟吧!
Sony Ericsson has been unable to watch the U5i (Vivaz), its second model in the U-series. Compared to the large size of its “same-door brother” U5i’s body is a lot of compact size, and this compact U5i and what kind of strength is there? Will there be a flash of surprise for everyone? Let MI immediately take everyone to see what happens!