
来源 :混凝土与水泥制品 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mumu
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国家技术监督局质量监督司和国家建材局生产管理司于1992年9月10日在无锡市联合召开了水泥混凝土管质量分析会议。这次会议是在全党、全国人民认真学习、贯彻落实邓小平同志南巡讲话和中共中央政治局全体会议及中央2号、4号文件精神。全国呈现加快改革开放步伐,使国民经济尽快上一个新台阶的大好形势下召开的,也是在全国质量工作会议之后和《国务院关于进一步加强质量工作的决定》颁布之后召开的。这次会议对生产混凝土管企业以及整个水泥制品行业来说,都是一次非常重要的会议。如果说1972年11月经国务院批准在西安召开的水泥管发展规划会议是我国混凝土管发展史上一个里程碑,那么20年后的今天,在无锡市召开的混凝土管质量分析会议将成为大幅度提高混凝土管质量、尽快上一个新台阶的转折点,使混凝土管的发展从以产量为主转向以质量为主的发展阶段。这次会议对混凝管企业和水泥制品行业将产生深远的影响。会议的主要内容是:贯彻落实全国质量工作会议精神和《国务院关于进一步加强质量工作的决定》;分析影响混凝土管质量的原因;总结交流提高混凝土管质量的经验。报告分三个部分:一是国内外水泥混凝土管生产使用的情况;二是当前产品质量存在的问题及其主要原因;三是今后应重点抓好的几项工作。(本刊作了删节) The quality supervision department of the State Bureau of Technical Supervision and the Production Management Department of the National Building Materials Bureau jointly held a cement concrete pipe quality analysis meeting in Wuxi on September 10, 1992. The meeting was conducted by the entire party and the people throughout the country to earnestly study and implement the speeches of Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s Southern Tour and the Plenary Session of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the documents of No. 2 and No. 4 of the Central Committee. The convening of the country in an excellent situation of accelerating the pace of reforms and opening up to bring the national economy to a new level as soon as possible was also convened after the National Quality Work Conference and the “Decision of the State Council on Further Strengthening Quality Work.” The meeting was a very important meeting for the production of concrete pipes and the entire cement industry. If the cement pipe development planning meeting approved by the State Council in Xi’an in November 1972 was a milestone in the history of concrete pipe development in China, then 20 years later, the concrete pipe quality analysis meeting held in Wuxi will become a significant increase in concrete pipe. The turning point of quality and a new level as soon as possible has changed the development of concrete pipes from a production-oriented one to a quality-oriented one. This meeting will have a profound impact on the coagulant companies and the cement products industry. The main contents of the meeting were: Implementing the spirit of the National Quality Work Conference and the “Decision of the State Council on Further Strengthening Quality Work”; analyzing the causes of the impact on the quality of concrete pipes; and summing up and exchanging experiences on improving the quality of concrete pipes. The report is divided into three parts: First, the production and use of cement concrete pipes at home and abroad; second, the problems existing in the current product quality and the main reasons; third, several tasks that should be focused on in the future. (This article was deleted)
6月17日,由中国林学会组织的“中国·靖州杨梅产业发展高峰论坛”在湖南靖州举行。  中国林学会副会长兼秘书长、中国林科院副院长陈幸良主持论坛,湖南师范大学旅游学院博士生导师、湖南省旅游学会首席专家许春晓教授等5名专家学者做了主旨演讲。来自中国林学院、浙江大学、湖南师范大学、中国旅游协会、江苏雨润集团、湖南步步高集团等20余名科研机构、高等院校、知名企业的专家学者汇聚一堂。专家学者们围绕杨梅的科学种
不知在什么时候, 陆续开始知道德国。或从马克思、恩格斯及共产党宣言;或从阿道夫·希特勒及第二次世界大战;或从阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦这位德国犹太人;或从教科书中德国建筑师