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这天,玉帝正闷得慌,于是召来太上老君,问其曰:“汝近来何忙?”老君不敢怠慢:“老臣正在研制一种可以治愈百病的仙药,名曰‘顶天立地修养丹’。”“哦,为何起此怪名?说来听听。”玉帝顿时来了兴趣。“根据科学家们的最新发现,人只要有一定的修养,虽苦淋于狂风暴雨之中,但他眼中并不是苦涩的泪水;虽攀缘于峭壁之上,但他心中没有对一失足就粉身碎骨的畏惧;虽独 On this day, the Jade Emperor was so flustered that he summoned Lao Shang Laojun and asked him: ”Why have you been late?“ Laojun did not dare to neglect: ”The veteran is developing a cure for all kinds of diseases. The medicine, the name is called ’Indigenously cultivated Dan’.“ ”Oh, why did you get this name? Listen and listen.“ ”The Jade Emperor came to be interested. "According to the latest discoveries of scientists, as long as people have a certain degree of cultivation, although suffering from the storm, but his eyes are not bitter tears; Although climbing on the cliff, but his heart did not break down on the bones. Fears
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现在我发现自己像地面上的一个物体,没有势能,没有动能,我像一件假冒伪劣商品,没人要 Now I find myself like an object on the ground, no potential energy, no kinetic
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