
来源 :当代中国史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yinyilin183
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中国当代史的定义、分期和主线,是当代史学科建设中比较重要的三个问题,也是目前学界分歧较多的问题。在这几个问题上的反复思考,深入探讨,不断完善认识,对于构建当代史的学科体系具有重要意义。中国当代史从学科意义上说,完全是中国现代史,但不完全是中华人民共和国史,完全不是中共党史。对迄今为止的中国当代史进行分期,只要是从历史本身的逻辑出发,各种意见都可以也应当平等讨论。但为了更大程度地体现当代史的特点,从经济社会发展目标模式的角度划分历史时期较为妥当。对历史主线的概念有着不同的理解,如果从历史发展主体的基本动因这个意义上理解,贯穿当代史的主线至少应有三条,即探索中国自己的建设社会主义道路,争取早日实现中国的工业化、现代化,维护中国的国家安全、主权独立和领土完整。 The definition, staging and main line of the Chinese contemporary history are the three most important issues in the construction of the contemporary history discipline, and are also the problems that the current academic circles have more differences. Repeated thinking on these several issues, in-depth discussions, and constantly improving understanding are of great significance to the construction of a disciplinary system of contemporary history. Contemporary Chinese history is completely modern Chinese history from a disciplinary point of view, but it is not entirely a history of the People’s Republic of China, nor is it a history of the Communist Party at all. As for the staging of the Chinese contemporary history to date, various opinions can and should be equally discussed as long as they are based on the logic of history itself. However, in order to reflect the characteristics of contemporary history to a greater extent, it is more appropriate to divide the historical period from the perspective of the target mode of economic and social development. If we understand the concept of the main line of history from the perspective of the basic motivation of the main body of historical development, there should be at least three main lines throughout contemporary history: exploring China’s own road of building socialism and striving for the early realization of China’s industrialization, Modernization and safeguarding China’s national security, sovereign independence and territorial integrity.
<正> 中共山东省委农村工作部根据省委领导同志的意见,四月初向全省国营农业企业推广广北农场办职工家庭农场的经验。广北农场1983年在实行包干到户的基础上,办起了325个职工