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无产阶级文化大革命以来,在毛主席的无产阶级革命路线指引下,我们在研究毒蘑菇的过程中,坚持开门办科研,使分类工作紧密联系实际,有力地促进了我们世界观的改造和科研工作的进展,实践证明:开门办科研就是好! 文化大革命前,由于受刘少奇反革命修正主义路线的干扰和破坏,资产阶级学术权威把持和垄断了大型真菌的分类研究工作,他们明目张胆地向党争夺科研领导大权。长期以来,这门学科成了少数人追名逐利的领地。他们之间彼此保密、互不通气,关起门来冷冷清清地搞分类,研究工作完全脱离无产阶级政治,脱离工农兵群众,脱离生产实际。就 Since the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s proletarian revolutionary line, we have persistently conducted scientific research in the course of studying poisonous mushrooms so that the classification work will be closely linked with reality and effectively promoted the transformation and scientific research of our world outlook Progress and Practice: Before the Cultural Revolution, due to interference and destruction by the counterrevolutionary revisionist line of Liu Shaoqi, bourgeois academic authorities dominated and monopolized the classification of large-scale fungi and they blatantly scrambled for scientific research leaders power. For a long time, this discipline has become the domain of a few people chasing fame and fortune. They kept one another’s secrets and indifferent to each other, closed their doors to sort things in a cold and clean manner, completely separated from the proletarian politics and from the masses of workers, peasants and soldiers and from the actual production. on