1985年4月25日和5月4日,理县城东约2公里杂谷脑河支沟日底寨沟先后发生两次粘性泥石流(容重1.80—2.30吨/立方米),泥石流固体物质方量约3万立方米。 泥石流固体物质冲入杂谷脑河后,河道遭阻塞,回水至打色尔沟沟口,构成一临时水库。库长500多米,平均水深约4米,平均水宽50余米,蓄水11万立方米。库水淹没杂谷脑河左岸的成都—阿坝公路300多米,水深0.7—1.4米,沥青路面经浸泡后,车辆难以通行,日最大堵车量在1000辆以上;理县公路养护段大院和当地公路道班被淹;堵河、溃坝与河床淤高,威胁着阻塞坝下游25米的公路桥,以及杂谷脑河右岸的理县党校、车队和印刷厂等单位的安全,灾情较为严重。
April 25 and May 4, 1985, about 2 km east of Lixian County Zhaguzilou branch at the end of Zhaidou two viscous debris flow occurred (weight 1.80-2.30 tons / cubic meter), debris flow of solid material side of the amount of About 30,000 cubic meters. Debris flow solid material into the Valley Valley, the river was obstructed, back to the ditch Erhse ditch to form a temporary reservoir. Treasury more than 500 meters, the average depth of about 4 meters, the average water width of 50 meters, water 110,000 cubic meters. Reservoir water submerged Zagunao on the left bank of Chengdu - Aba Road 300 meters, 0.7-1.4 meters deep, the asphalt pavement after soaking, the vehicle is difficult to pass, the largest daily traffic jam in more than 1,000; Lixian Highway Maintenance Section compound and the local Highway road classes were flooded; floods, dam-break and river bed siltation, threaten blocking the dam 25 meters downstream of the highway bridge, and Zagunao right bank of Li County Party schools, convoys and printing units and other units of the more serious the disaster.