1.试题:设M(纬度0°、东经30、)、N(南纬23°26′、东经30°)两地正午太阳高度分别为H_m和H_n,判断下列四项中正确的是:A.H_m和H_n不可能在同一天达到最小值;B.每年有某一时刻H_m=H_n;C.每年约有9个月H_m>H_n;D.任何时候都H_m≥H_n。(1990年高考第8题) 答案:B C 解析:由正午太阳高度简便计算公式:H=90°-两地纬度差(当地地理纬度与太阳直射点的纬度差。具体计算方法是:当地的地理纬度与太
1. Question: Let the midday sun heights of M (latitude 0°, longitude 30, and 30°) and N (latitude 23°26′′, longitude 30° east) be H_m and H_n respectively. Judging from the following four items is correct: A. It is not possible for H_m and H_n to reach their minimum on the same day; B. H_m=H_n at a certain time each year; C. About 9 months per year H_m>H_n; D. H_m≥H_n at any time. (Question 8 of the 1990 college entrance examination) Answer: BC Analysis: From the midday sun, a highly simple calculation formula: H = 90° - Latitude difference between two places (local latitude and the latitude difference of the direct sun point. The specific calculation method is: local geography Latitude and too