一、平原石榴的生产环境及特点 平原石榴生长在相对土层深厚、肥水充足、气候温和、光热资源丰富的环境内,其枝条形成量大、长桂多、短枝少、枝叶茂盛、成冠快、结果晚、完全花率小、不完全花率高、花多不结果,往往三五年不丰产。 二、平原石榴控冠促花措施 1.以有机肥为主,控氮增磷补钾。秋施基肥,每株施腐熟优质有机肥10公斤。春季追施尿素0.2公斤、过磷酸钙0.5公斤、硫酸钾0.3公斤、稀土微肥0.1公斤。
First, the pomegranate plains production environment and characteristics Plain pomegranate growth in the relative depth of the soil, adequate fertilizer and climate, mild climate, light and heat resources rich environment, the formation of large branches, long Gui, fewer short branches, lush foliage, into Crowns fast, late results, the rate of complete flower is small, incomplete flower rate is high, the result is more spent, often not abundant in 35 years. Second, the pomegranate crown control measures to promote flowers 1. The main organic fertilizer, potassium control of nitrogen and phosphorus. Autumn base fertilizer, each plant rotten high-quality organic fertilizer 10 kg. Spring topdressing urea 0.2 kg, 0.5 kg of superphosphate, 0.3 kg of potassium sulfate, 0.1 kg of rare earth fertilizer.