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我们在部队防病工作中,常常看到有些基层卫生人员在消毒、杀虫、灭鼠工作中使用药物有很多不适当之处。近年来部队成员更新较快,虽经常进行必要的训练,但要熟练地掌握消、杀、灭技术亦非易事。有关书籍中虽有很多资料,但比较分散而繁杂,查找使用不够简便。为此,我们确定将有关消、杀、灭药物使用方法的资料集中起来,删繁就简,以实用、方便为目的,设计制作一种简易的查索工具。简易查索工具主要供连队卫生员使用,团卫生队、师防疫所有关人员亦可参考。因此,尽可能包括消毒、杀虫、灭鼠化学药剂 In our troop disease prevention work, we often find that there are many inadequacies in the use of medicines by some grassroots health workers in the work of disinfection, insecticide and rodent control. In recent years, the members of the armed forces have been updated rapidly. Although the necessary training is often carried out, it is also not easy to master the skills of eliminating, killing and destroying technologies. Although there are many books on the information, but more scattered and complicated, find use is not easy enough. To this end, we have decided to centralize the data on the use of elimination, killing and extermination of drugs, and to simplify and simplify our work to design and produce a simple search tool for practical purposes and convenience. Simple search tool is mainly used by the team hygienist, the team health team, division epidemic prevention staff can also refer to. Therefore, as far as possible, including disinfection, insecticide, anti-rodent chemical agents
  Purpose – The purpose of this paper aims at investigating the influence of initial trust in doctor (ITID) and its corresponding ascendants namely,hospital
【摘 要】中学音乐欣赏课生成性教学是顺应新课程改革,凸显学生主体地位的历史之举。实施中学音乐欣赏课生成性教学,能够有效的提高课堂教学质量。而对于如何有效的开展生成性教学,探究生成性教学,对课堂教学效率有着十分重要的意义。  【关键词】中学音乐;欣赏课;生成性教学  【中图分类号】 G633.951 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】1671-1270(2011)06-0126-01
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  This paper examines the impact of business-government interaction on governmentsystem satisfaction in transition economy,usinga sample of firms from Pearl R