去韩国旅游,除了向往电视剧中的浪漫景点外,更多的是想品尝一下韩国的美食,最令人难忘的就是韩式水果凉面了。刚到韩国那天,我们就找了一家老字号的凉面馆。禁不住美味的诱惑,向服务员讨教起这款美食的做法来。服务员告诉我,其实这款水果凉面的做法很简单。所需食材有韩国冷面400 g、火龙果1个、水梨1个、苹果1个、熟鸡蛋1个、黄瓜1根、八角2个,以及适量的姜、蒜、生抽、醋、盐、糖等。首先,把苹果、水梨、火龙果切片,黄瓜切丝,熟鸡蛋去皮切开。在锅中加清水,放入大料、姜片、
Travel to South Korea, in addition to longing for the romantic attractions in the TV series, more is to want to taste South Korean cuisine, the most memorable is the Korean fruit cold noodles. Arrived in South Korea that day, we found an old noodle shop. Can not help delicious temptation to ask the waiter how to cook this food. Waiter told me, in fact, the practice of this cold fruit noodles is very simple. The ingredients are Korea cold noodles 400 g, 1 dragon fruit, pear 1, 1 apple, cooked egg 1, cucumber 1, 2 star anise, and the amount of ginger, garlic, soy sauce, vinegar, salt, Sugar and so on. First of all, the apple, pear, dragon fruit slices, shredded cucumber, peeled and cut the cooked eggs. Add water in the pot, add the material, ginger,