情感地带,想说就说!同学们好!“情感地带”栏目是专为同学们倾诉自己的情感而创办的哟,把你心中的悄悄话写出来寄给我们吧,或喜或悲,或乐或恨,一吐为快,只要有真情实感就行,篇幅在500字以内为宜,欢迎同学们投稿。来信请寄长沙市蔡锷北路485号湖南教育报刊社《初中生》编辑部杨青老师收,邮编:410008,电话:0731-4314349(办),E-mail:[email protected]
Emotional zone, say to say! Classmates are good!“Feeling zone” column is designed for the students to confide their emotions and founder of the embarrassment, write your secret whisper sent to us, or happy or sad, If you are happy or hateful, you can vomit it as soon as possible, as long as you have a true feeling, it is appropriate to use less than 500 words. Students are welcome to submit. Please send your letter to Mr. Yang Qing, Editor of the Junior High School Student, Hunan Education Newspaper, No. 485, Caixi North Road, Changsha City, 410008, Telephone: 0731-4314349 (office), E-mail: [email protected]